
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2011

Apa sih gerund itu??

Gerund adalah bentuk kata kerja (V ing ) yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun). Gerund sendiri mempunyai fungsi antara lain: 1. Sebagai subject     ex: Eating is his hobby 2. Sebagai object     ex: I like reading 3. Kata benda yg mengikuti preposition    ex:  She is good at writing speech     preposition: in, at, or, of, for, by, without, after, before, etc. 4. Kata benda yang mengikuti propositional object    ex: I am used to smoking    prepositional object: to be used to, to be accustomed to, object to, look forward to, to take to, confess to , etc. 5. Possesive pronoun + gerund    ex: I don't mind his smoking here 6. Membentuk frase kata benda     ex: walking stick (tongkat untuk berjalan) 7. Kata kerja tertentu + gerund     ex: He enjoys swimming     Kata kerja tertentu: enjoy,avoid, admit, appreciate, anticipate, continue, deny, detest,delay,...

The Talking Stick Technique

1.  General View of Talking Stick Technique According to , Dr. Locust (1998) says that the talking stick has been used for centuries by many Indian tribes as a means of just and impartial hearing. The talking stick was commonly used in council circles to decide who had the right to speak. When matters of great concern would come before the council, the leading elder would hold the talking stick, and begin the discussion. When he would finish what he had to say, he would hold out the talking stick, and whoever would speak after him would take it. In this manner, the stick would be passed from one individual to another until all who wanted to speak had done so. The stick was then passed back to the elder for safe keeping. Moreover, based on , the talking stick is used today by many groups, especially in groups of children or adults who need help preventing discussions from degenerating i...

What is Analytical Exposition?

  Analytical exposition: a. Analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. b. Social function: to persuade the reader or listener that something is the case. c. Generic structure: Thesis : Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position Arguments: Explaining the arguments to support the writer’s position Reiteration: Restating the writer’s position d. Language features : Using human or non-human participant Using mental processes (thinking verb): think, believe, etc. Using simple present tense: There is..., reduces, affects, damage etc. Using connective: firstly, secondly, finally, etc Using evaluate language: important, significant, etc. Using modals : can, should, used to, etc Using action verbs : sleep, talk, etc To make you get understand well about analytical exposition, let's do this exercise! Integrated Pest Management There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides are comm...

Language and Language Learning

Language Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols (Sapir in Lyons, 1997: 3) A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group co-operates (Bloch and Triger in Lyons, 1997: 4). Language is the institution whereby humans communicate and interact with each other by means of habitually used oral-auditory arbitrary symbols (Hall in Lyons, 1997: 4). Language Learning A theory of language learning is an account of the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in learning a language and of the conditions that need to be met in order for these processes to take place. Here are some kinds of theories of language learning: §       Process-oriented theories, and §       Condition-oriented theories Language learning principles are generally sorted into three sub-groupings: Cognitive Principles, Affective Princ...


Talking about meaning, we have to consider two parts of language that are semantics and pragmatics. Because meaning has two dimensions. Do you know what semantics and pragmatics are?? Let's discuss further about them^^ First, we have to know what semantics is. Semantics is the study of meanings in language free from context, focusing on meaning of words or sentences as language unit.In short, semantics is the study of meaning in language. Example: It is very hot here. This statement semantically explains that the weather in the room is very hot. There are three conceptions of meaning: 1. Words ---->> things A popular view is that word ‘name’ or ‘refers to’ things. 2. Words---> concept---> things 3. Stimuli---> words---> responses Sentence meaning can be divided into five, they are: 1) Prosodic meaning The way a sentence is said, using the prosody of language, can radically alter the m...

Mau majalah gratis??mau..mau??

"" mahasiswa baget, suka yang gratis-gratis, haha eh tapi beneran sob, yang ni gratis:P...suka baca buku bahasa Inggris?, wanna improve your English skill???ayo buruan subscribe!!gak nyesel deh sob. Majalahnya tentang Islam, semua tentang Islam, dari negara-negara penganut Islam dan budayanya. Buruan buka , alhamdulillah sudah saya buktikan:D. Semoga bermanfaat!!!^.^

Rihlah @Jumog, keep ukhuwah ya sob^0^

       Jumog adalah objek wisata air terjun yang tepatnya terletak di kecamatan Ngarjoyoso, kabupaten Karanganyar. Tempat ini terletak di selatan Tawang Mangu, dan di kelilingi berbagai objek wisata lain, seperti Air Terjun Parang Ijo, Candi Sukuh, candi Ceto, dan juga dekat dengan perkebunan teh Kemuning. Objek ini digemari warga karna letaknya yang tak terlalu jauh dari kota Solo. Di objek wisata tersebut tidak hanya menawarkan pemandangan air terjun yang lebih besar tentunya dari air terjun Parang Ijo, namun juga menyediakan arena bermain anak, kolam renang, warung makan dan juga terdapat pertunjukan musik pada hari-hari tertentu, asyik kan sob??Tenang, biaya masuk objek ini juga tidak mahal, sekitar 3ribu rupiah.Jalan menuju air terjun disini juga tidak sepanjang di Tawang mangu Jagalah ukhuwah kami ya Rabb^^ Tepat pada 1 Januari 2010 kami, saya, Tiwi, Wati, Elly, Mas Kholis, Ulfa, Mbk Rafi, Rina, serta rombongan dari Jogja yaitu Aji dan Nuki. Kami ber...

Tuhan, ijinkan aku mekar

Apa aku salah jika aku ingin mekar, selayaknya mawar putih?. Karna putih itu suci, bersih dan indah:D. Tuhan, ijinkan aku mekar... Ijinkan aku mekar tepat pada waktunya. Pada waktu yg telah kau siapkan untukku, dan untuknya. Dia yang telah kau pelihara lahir dan batinnya. Yang telah kau sucikan hatinya karna puasa yang begitu panjang. Munajat yang tak pernah henti, tuk mengharap penuh ridho dariMu. Ya Rabb, jagalah kami, peliharalah lisan kami agar tetap indah, penuh dengan lafadz indahMu. Tuntunlah, dan jauhkan lah dari fitnah dunia dan akhirat.  Jadikanlah kami manusia yg slalu bersyukur atas nikmatmu, yang slalu mengingatMu di saat lapang dan sempit. jadikanlah kami pemimpin yang adil, pendidik yang bermanfaat dan sabar. Perluaslah pemahaman diin kami, dan perkenankan kami mengamalkannya. Ya Rabb, ijinkan aku mekar. Dengan tetap periharalah kami menjadi anak-anak yg sholeh dan sholehah, yang terus mendoakan orang tua kami. Yang berusaha membahagiakan orang tua kami, mentaati sem...

September ceria..akan kah jadi milikku? begitu pun Desember??

Bulan ini bulan yang harus dimaksimalkan, jangan sampai tertinggal. Baik doa dan usaha, teruslah berjanji pada diri dan Illahi tuk jd lebih baik!Allohu akbar!! Karena semuanya dari niat, maka luruskan niat karna Desember menanti!!!! Mudahkanlah ya Rabbb:))