
Talking about meaning, we have to consider two parts of language that are semantics and pragmatics. Because meaning has two dimensions. Do you know what semantics and pragmatics are??
Let's discuss further about them^^

First, we have to know what semantics is. Semantics is the study of meanings in language free from context, focusing on meaning of words or sentences as language unit.In short, semantics is the study of meaning in language.

Example: It is very hot here.
This statement semantically explains that the weather in the room is very hot.

There are three conceptions of meaning:

1. Words ---->> things

A popular view is that word ‘name’ or ‘refers to’ things.

2. Words---> concept---> things

3. Stimuli---> words---> responses

Sentence meaning can be divided into five, they are:

1) Prosodic meaning

The way a sentence is said, using the prosody of language, can radically alter the meaning.


John ’s bought a red CAR (not a red car )

John’s bought a RED car (not a green one)

JOHN’s bought a red car (not Michael)

The prosody inform us of what information in the sentence can be taken for granted (is ‘given’) and what is of special significance (is’new’).

2) Grammatical meaning

The categories that are established by grammatical analysis can also be analized from a semantics point of view.

For example:

John read a book yesterday

It consists of Subject + Verb + Object + Adverbial; but can also be analized as “actor” performing an ‘action’ on goal at a certain ‘time’.

3) Pracmatic meaning

The function performed by the sentence in a discourse needs to be considered.

4) Social meaning

The choice of a sentence may directly affect thesocial relationships between the participant.

5) Propositional meaning

A proposition is the unit of meaning that identifies the subject matter of a statement; it describe some state of affairs, and takes the form of a declarative sentence.

According to Grice (1957), he distinguished between natural meaning and non-natural meaning. So it is related to the semantics (natural meaning) and pragmatics (non-natural meaning). Grice explains how there can be interesting discrepancies between speaker – meaning and sentence – meaning.
Ya, the simple way to know about semantics and pragmatics are between sentence and the speaker. What sentence means is semantics, but speaker meaning relates to pragmatics.
As we know that the definition of pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of a language. When speaker says, there are language that is used and the context of the speaker. So, in pragmatics, there are two main parts. They are language and context.

Example: It is very hot here.

This statement pragmatically belongs to request statement.


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