The Phases of Reading

Williams (1999: 37-39) states that there are three main phases needed to be followed in reading activity, namely:

1)   Pre-reading
It is used to introduce and arouse interest topic, motivate learners, and provide some language preparation from the text. In this phase, a teacher starts to activate and build up background knowledge by using questions. By answering questions, students will get clue in introducing the text and motivate them to read.
2)   Whilst-reading
The aims of whilst-reading phase are to help understanding the writer purpose and text structure. It also used to clarify the text. Some activities like answering comprehension question, completing diagrams or maps, making lists and taking notes are whilst-reading type work.
3)   Post-reading
The last phase is aimed to consolidate what has been read and relate the text to learners’ own knowledge, interest, or ideas. To achieve this objective, the teacher should give activities that contribute to the integration of reading with other language skills, for example, listing facts, summarizing, describing or providing information, discussion, et cetera.


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