The Strengths of SQ4R and the Weaknesses of SQ4R

SQ4R engages the reader during each phase of the reading process and interacts the reader with text material. Based on Cuesta College (2011: 1), the strengths of SQ4R as stated below:
a.       By surveying the text, the reader becomes familiar with the material before they read. It also activate any their prior knowledge of the subject.
b.      Question stage helps the reader becomes critical thinker in reading process and focuses the reader attention on what information the reader need to get from the reading.
c.       Read stage makes the reader mastering the course material.
d.      In recite stage, activating long-term memory storage is added tremendously by hearing and verbalizing the material. If the reader can explain the concepts to another, the reader has mastered the material.
e.       Reflection weaves new ideas into old, by comparing the new ideas with ones the reader has already known.
f.       The more the reader reviews, the more information the reader will learn and retain
Meanwhile, Walter and Siebert in Blaxter, Hughes, and Tight (2006: 115) mention the advantages of SQ4R as follows:
a.    Surveying the text gives the reader an overview of what the text is about and what its structural features are
b.    It helps the reader creating a framework so the reader can make predictions and formulate questions to guide their reading.

SQ4R has some weaknesses, namely: In survey stage, when the topic is not interesting the students will do it in longer time. Students will get difficulties in making question if they can not scanning the information well.
According to Walter and Siebert in Blaxter et al (2006: 115) the weaknesses of SQ4R as follows: (a) It is difficult to change old study habits; (b) It takes more energy to ask questions and develop summaries than it does to let the reader eyes passively read printed pages.


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