Report Text

1.      What is report text?
Teks report adalah teks yang menggambarkan sesuatu benda atau tempat secara umum (general).
2.      Fungsi: memberikan informasi kepada pembaca atau pendengar mengenai suatu benda atau tempat apa adanya.
3.      Generic structure:
a.      General identification: memberikan gambaran umum mengenai subject yang dibahas
b.      Description : memberikan detail dari subject yang dijelaskan
4.      Language feature :
a.      Menjelaskan benda secara umum, ex: birds
b.      Menggunakan pola kalimat simple present tense, ex : birds have wings
c.       Menggunakan action verb, ex : fly, eat
d.      Menggunakan istilah teknis, ex : vertebrate, predators
e.      Menggunakan relating verb, ex : is/am/are
5.      Contoh teks report:
People sometimes need hotels if they travel far from homes. They sometimes need hotels when they arrive in cities late at night and they do not have any relatives there.
Hotels are places that provide lodging and usually meals and various personal services for the public. A good hotel provides many comforts and conveniences. Travel is usually safe and pleasant.
Hotels with hundreds of rooms are common. People can find the advertisements of the hotels in newspapers, brochures, the internet, and magazines. Downtown hotels survive and prosper because of two important factors. First, business travelers wish to stay close to the offices or industrial plants they plan to visit. Second, the location of the airport is close to the hotels.
As the pace of jet travel grows, hotels spring up near airports. Some travelers stay at the airport inns when their flights are delayed. To save time, business executives often select airport hotels for meetings or conferences. Once the plane lands, the hotel is only minutes away.
1.      Which hotels can survive and prosper more?
a.       Big hotels         c. Luxurious hotels
b.      Small House    d. Downtown hotels
2.      What does survive mean? The answers are correct, except….
a.       Do bankrupt    c. Remain alive
b.      Continue to live           d. Continue to exist
3.      As the pace of jet travel grows, hotels spring up near airports. What does spring up mean?
a.       Bring    b. Appear      c. Leap      d. Jump
4.      Some travelers stay at airport inns. What is an inn?
a.    A building in which aeroplanes are kept
b.   A place where whisky is sold and drunk
c.    A public house where travelers may eat, drink, and sleep
d.   A large building where travelers may get meals and lodging
5.      Once the plane lands, the hotel is only 10 minutes away. Minutes away means a very short space of…
a.       Depth   b. distance     c. time    d. length


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