Good and Bad Effects of Smoking

Smoking is the process of burning substance to be tasted and inhaled. In everyday live smoking becomes a habit because in many occasion we can find people smoking. They are from the oldest until the younger. Not only the men who smoke but also the women do.
Actually, there are good and bad effect of smoking. People have known the effect of smoking, but they still do smoking because many reasons. They as the non-smoker or ex-smoker will say that smoking is not good; smoking is dangerous for their body and other opinion that is strong to refuse smoking. On the other hand, they as smoker will always argue that smoking make them comfortable and feeling good.
From the health point of view, it causes many diseases in our body.  A cigarette contains about 4000 chemicals, many of which are poisonous including nicotine, arsenic, methane, ammonia, cadmium, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, butane, hydrogen yanid. Nicotine acts as both a stimulant and depressant on your body. It increases your bowel activity, saliva, and bronchial secretions. It stimulates the nervous system and may cause tremors in the inexperienced user, or even convulsions with high doses. (The new york It means that nicotine has the main rule of damaging our body. And also it increase the risk of getting blood clots, cancer, coronary artery disease including angina and heart attacks,  decreased ability to taste and smell, delayed wound healing, high blood pressure , lung problems such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, pregnancy-related problems, including miscarriage, premature labor, low birth weight, and risk for sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS), tooth and gum diseases. Knowing this situation, many scientists try to find the best way to help smokers quit their bad habit. It was found that hypnotherapy is the most effective method to quit smoking. Second hand smoke has the effect of it. Second hand smoke is someone who regularly around the smokers. As second hand smoke, someone sometimes in uncertain position. He tries to save his health but also does not want to hurt the smoker’s feeling. Therefore, he is just quiet with grumble himself inhaling the smoke. Furthermore, he speaks forward to the smoker that he feels unpleasant. There are smoker who cares with the others, but mostly they still do smoking when other admits him stops smoking. It means that there must be a tolerance between them. To solve this problem many public places prepares smoking area.
From the social point of view, social environment have a big influence to smoker. If someone is in the area that is full of smokers, he will be easily to be influenced. Teenager is easier to be influenced by his friends at the same age. Otherwise, as teenagers they have to be diligent to get friends in order to get good friends.  Contrary, many doctors and psychologists have the opportunity from this circumstance. The more patients they have the more money they will get. Treating addicting smoker is not easy. The longer they  smoke, the harder it will be to stop. Family members, friends, and coworkers have a big contribution to help them quit smoking.
From the psychological point of view, smoking gives them a sense of freedom. Smoker has satisfaction himself. When someone faces a problem in his live, he may be getting stress. By smoking, he will feel freedom from his problem. Some ex-smokers agree that smoking will make them happy, calm on facing problem. They get stimulant that makes them more powerful to do his work. On the other hand, the smoker who cannot control himself will behave out of control. In 1980, tobacco dependence was listed as a mental disorder in the official diagnostic reference for the American Psychiatric Association. In 1991, the Psychiatric Association reported that smokers have a higher lifetime frequency of substance abuse, severe depression and anxiety disorders involving aggression and antisocial behavior (
From the economic point of view, smoking spends a lot of money. Some nonsmokers said that smoker is stupid.  They have to spend a lot of money to buy cigarettes. A pack of cigarettes costs about Rp 8000. Even if they only smoke a couple packs a week, you're spending about Rp 64.000 per month and Rp 768.000 per year on smoking. It is better to save the money than to but cigarettes since it makes their live extravagant.  In contrast, the Indonesian income will increase if the cost of sales is higher and higher. When I immigrated to the United States, I thought economics was the reason why the government was quite tolerant of the tobacco industry, from whom it was getting so much revenue in taxes, etc. making it acceptable and even essential for its survival ( The government has the reins to allow the cigarettes industries keep their production because they are the big sources of taxes income.
There are many good and bad effects of smoking viewed from the explanation above. According to me, smoking is dangerous in every point of view. None can guarantee a good live of smoker because smoking only disturbs our live. However, smoking will never destroyed.


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