Universal Language

  Universal language is the language that can be understood for all people in the world. It includes in many aspects of live. So, when people live in new area that they have never been before, they will be able to communicate with people in that area by universal language. Universal language develops from many centuries until now. It may be the ideal of an international auxiliary language for communication between groups speaking different primary languages (www.wikipedia.com).
Auxiliary is a part of the language. When we study grammar we need auxiliary to make a good sentence. As in the child development, they study the auxiliary in the grammar. Childhood is familiar with the universal grammar. Universal grammar (UG) is a theory of linguistics postulating principles of grammar shared by all languages, thought to be innate to humans (nativism). From this definition we can say that universal grammar used for the universal language. Every language has different grammar, so the function of universal grammar is to make any similarities among the languages. In studying grammar we can find the construction of word, phrase, clause, and sentence. These parts can be learnt by children easily when it uses a universal grammar. And children will be easy to understand the grammar, if the rule is simple. In syntax, for example, one word can be noun, adjective, adverb, verb or sentence consists of noun phrase and verb phrase. Children are explained what noun, adjective, adverb, verb are. From noun, they can be studied deeper about noun phrase and verb phrase. We can find this kind of rules not only in English but also in Indonesian.
One of the purposes of universal grammar is to limit the errors that can be done by children. If they had known the rules of sentence they unconsciously will understand and memorize this kind of rules as the basic rule. However, when they meet the kind of sentence they are able to understand and catch the information from it.


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