Summary of novel “A good man is hard to find”

The grandmother did not want to see Florida but she was cased to see Tennessee. She found that in Florida there was  fellow who calls himself The Misfit. He is aloose from the Federal Pen. And she did not want to take her children in any direction with criminal like that aloose in it. But her son and his family refused to go to Florida. Finally the grandmother deferred her want. Then , she packs herself (and secretly her cat, Pitty Sing) in the car with her son Bailey, his wife, and their children June Star, John Wesley, and the baby. she takes pains to dress properly in a dress and hat, so that if she were found dead on the highway everyone would recognize her as a lady.
They stopped at The Tower for barbecued sandwiches. The owner was Red Sammy. There, the grandmother talked about The Misfit and he said that a good man was hard to find. She did not think that The Misfit was there.
Then they continued their trip, on the way the grandmother saw an old house. She was interested to see it. However, His son refused it. The grandmother was sturdy to know more about the house. She wants her grandchildren to see it too. Bailey deferred to her. He stopped the car; they turn off the car to see the house inside.  The hills were so desolate and it looked liked that no one has ever passed there for a month. Nevertheless, suddenly the children thrown away. The car flipped over. They got an accident!
On her sight, she saw a car passed them. Then, the man turned off the car. She felt that she knew that man but she could not recall her memory. After a moment, she remembered that he is The Misfit. She asked him if he was really The Misfit or not. In addition, the man answered that he was. The grandmother knew that he was a good man, but why he behaved like it.
The man told the story to her truly. In that case, there was sound of gun. It happened again until she was afraid. Then, she gave him advice to take a help from Jesus. He agreed that Jesus is the one that ever raised the dead. But if he did it why something happened to him. He started not to believe in Jesus. The grandmother was also astonished what he had said. The Misfit tried to hurt her, she submitted to his fate. She wanted to give her property as long as he did not hurt her.


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