Summary of Error Analysis

1.      The difference between error and mistake
Error is competence but mistake is performance.
2.      Definition of error analysis: the fact that learners do make errors and that errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something of the system operating within the learner.
3.      Overt and Covert
            Overt : can interpret the context of the sentence
Covert : can’t interpret the context of the sentence
4.      Interlinguage : system that structurally intermediate status between the native and target languages.
5.      Approximative system : referred to the same general phenomenon in second language learning but stressed the successive approximation to the target language.
6.      Idiosyncratic dialect : term to connote the idea that the learner’s language is unique to aparticlar individual, that the rules of the learner’s language are peculiar to the language of that individual alone.
7.      Interlingual transfer :The native language is the only linguistic system in previous experience upon which the learner can draw.
8.      Intralingual transfer : the negative transfer of items within the target language, or, put another way the incorrect generalization of rules within the target language.
9.      Overgeneralization: when the teacher cannot be certain of the source of an apparent intralingual error, but repeated systematic observation of a learner’s speech data will often remove the ambiguity of a single observation of an error.
10.  Fossilization: The relatively permanent incorporation of incorrect linguistic forms into a person’s second language competence.
11.  Presystematic stage: a stage in which the learner is only vaguely aware that there is some systematic order to a particular class of items.
12.  Systematic stage : in a particular area of language, he has begun


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